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Sunday, October 20, 2019

CIC481--Newton's Nook Designs

This biweekly challenge is sponsored bNewton's Nook Designs.

Newton's Nook Designs is generously providing $25 gift code to our randomly chosen winner.

Thank you for sponsoring this challenge!

Each challenge, we provide a cupcake to inspire you to create a card or other craft project following our suggested theme or colors.  Here is this week's cupcake (linked to original source):

  This week we are challenge you to make a card/project 
featuring Fall.

We have some special Guest Sweeties joining us from the Newton's Nook Design Team!



(The designer and owner of Newton's Nook Designs!)

Now for our inspiration from the Sweeties: 
We would love to have you play along this week! Please be sure to check out our rules in the "Challenge Rules" tab on the top to play along.
Happy Crafting! 

 The Sweeties Team

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